Cllr. Quittenden
I was elected to Minster Parish Council in 2010 where I now serve as Chairman of the Finance committee and Chairman of Highways and Transport committee.
I was born in 1944 in Mottingham and educated in main stream Secondary School then spent 5 years at a South London Technical College. I entered the motor trade in 1959 and became self-employed in 1972.
I moved to Minster in 1982 when I bought Minster Garage. I still live at Minster Garage with my wife Barbara and I retired in 2014. Now my son Martin owns and runs Minster Garage still making it a family business.
I love Minster dearly, and will always do my best to retain its village atmosphere, but we do live in 2017 with all the problems that brings. I carry out volunteer work in and around the village. I look after the High Street Car Park and tidy the old Cemetery and the Highways of the village.
I am President of the Royal British Legion Club.